This con­tent has been writ­ten col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly by the Project Part­ners of Alice Springs Future Grid, led by the Intyal­heme Cen­tre for Future Ener­gy. Please sub­mit your ques­tions, which will be answered in due course and shared on this plat­form if rel­e­vant and appro­pri­ate. You will be noti­fied via email when the answer is post­ed. Terms and con­di­tions are detailed on the sub­mit a ques­tion page. Fur­ther FAQs specif­i­cal­ly about the Solar Con­nect Vir­tu­al Pow­er Plant tri­al are addressed in this doc­u­ment

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What was the Solar Connect VPP trial?

Solar Connect was a townwide solar and battery trial linking households via a Virtual Power Plant (VPP). House­holds in the VPP shared solar and battery power in ways that benefited the Alice Springs grid and informed the opportunities for the next generation of more sustainable energy solutions.

What is a VPP?

A Vir­tu­al Pow­er Plant (VPP) is typ­i­cal­ly a col­lec­tion of solar and bat­tery stor­age sys­tems that work togeth­er to allow coordinated control of their energy.

VPPs use smart technology to control the energy flow to and from the grid on demand – benefitting the household, grid and the community.

Why was a VPP part of the Future Grid project?

The VPP in Alice Springs, known as Solar Connect, invited households with rooftop solar, with or without a battery to join the trial.

The experience in developing the trial, engaging participants and running the trial, provided valuable insights to the project stakeholders on what future trials might look like. The functionality developed during the trial provided the opportunity to investigates these new technologies and concepts – that is, this was the first VPP in the NT, and it allowed the participants to share energy and data in new ways.

What was the timeline for the Solar Connect VPP trial?

The trial became operational in October 2022 and ended in October 2023.

Why was the Solar Connect VPP trial necessary?

Alice Springs Future Grid created the Northern Territory’s first residential Virtual Power Plant (VPP). The trial looked at how a VPP can help keep the grid stable while increasing the amount of clean energy in the Alice Springs power system.

The VPP was part of a suite of innovative trials, models and investigations that looked at how to keep the Alice Springs network within voltage limits, reduce the reliance on gas power generation, and help the Northern Territory to reach 50% renewable energy by 2030.

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