
Solar Connect T&Cs

Terms and Conditions

Cur­rent as at 4 May 2022

1. Intro­duc­tion

1.1 Objec­tive

The Alice Springs Future Grid – Vir­tu­al Pow­er Plant Tri­al, referred to in brand­ing as Solar Con­nect, is a joint ini­tia­tive of Desert Knowl­edge Aus­tralia and its Tri­al Part­ners under the Alice Springs Future Grid Project (Project). The Project brings togeth­er a num­ber of stake­hold­ers work­ing togeth­er with the aim of iden­ti­fy­ing exist­ing ener­gy sys­tem issues in Alice Springs and plan­ning for more renew­able ener­gy in the sys­tem into the future.

The Tri­al aims to cre­ate what is expect­ed to be the North­ern Territory’s first res­i­den­tial Vir­tu­al Pow­er Plant (VPP). The Tri­al seeks par­tic­i­pa­tion from Alice Springs house­holds with rooftop solar pho­to­volta­ic (PV) pan­els and bat­tery stor­age sys­tems for a pro­posed Tri­al of six months to one year. House­holds with solar PV only (i.e. with­out bat­ter­ies) may also par­tic­i­pate, as can those house­holds that intend to install solar PV and/​or a bat­tery by the com­mence­ment date of the Tri­al. The eli­gi­bil­i­ty for these are split into two com­po­nents for Solar-Only” tri­al and Bat­tery” trial.

These terms and con­di­tions set out the frame­work for con­duct of the Tri­al and apply to all par­tic­i­pants, includ­ing Home Owners/​Small Busi­ness­es as Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ents, and Reg­is­tered Inspectors/​Installers as Eli­gi­ble Businesses.

2. Def­i­n­i­tions

Audit means Our right to attend at a Prop­er­ty for the pur­pose of inspect­ing the Works to ensure com­pli­ance with these terms and con­di­tions and includes Our right to have a third par­ty con­trac­tor attend at the Prop­er­ty to inspect and car­ry out maintenance/​changes to the Future Grid Equip­ment (which will be at Our expense oth­er than where there is a breach of the Home Owner’s oblig­a­tions under these Terms and Conditions).

Future Grid Equip­ment means the hard­ware or soft­ware to be installed or updat­ed at the Prop­er­ty for the pur­pos­es of facil­i­tat­ing Your par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Tri­al. Require­ments will vary depend­ing on the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the Prop­er­ty, and fur­ther details are avail­able on the website.

Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness or Busi­ness is a ser­vice provider that is suit­ably qual­i­fied to pro­vide the Works (which we will decide at our dis­cre­tion) and in par­tic­u­lar, meets the fol­low­ing criteria:

  • is a Ter­ri­to­ry Enter­prise; and
  • is a legal enti­ty (a nat­ur­al per­son or an incor­po­rat­ed enti­ty), with or with­out a reg­is­tered busi­ness name; and
  • holds a valid active Aus­tralian Busi­ness Num­ber; and
  • was pro­vid­ing its ser­vices whol­ly or sub­stan­tial­ly in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry as at the com­mence­ment date of the Tri­al; and
  • has and will main­tain dur­ing the course of the Tri­al (and will pro­vide copies upon request), all rel­e­vant busi­ness, occu­pa­tion and relat­ed per­mits, licences and insur­ance cov­er­age required to under­take work in con­nec­tion with the Tri­al, includ­ing valid pub­lic lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance pol­i­cy with min­i­mum $10 mil­lion cov­er, Work Cov­er, Pro­fes­sion­al Indem­ni­ty (if deemed nec­es­sary), and all oth­er rel­e­vant insur­ances to cov­er its usu­al busi­ness risks; and
  • will car­ry out the Works in accor­dance with any require­ments of the Pow­er and Water Cor­po­ra­tion and oth­er­wise in accor­dance with all rel­e­vant laws; and 
  • holds rel­e­vant design­er and installer Clean Ener­gy Coun­cil (CEC) accred­i­ta­tion and endorse­ment; and
  • will ensure that the Future Grid Equip­ment is only installed by a per­son who has been accred­it­ed through the SwitchDin online accred­i­ta­tion process; and
  • will car­ry out the Works entire­ly by itself and will not need to sub­con­tract any part of the Works.

Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness­es will be list­ed on the Reg­is­ter. Only Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness­es must be used to con­duct Works under the Trial.

Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent means a Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness who sat­is­fies the eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria set out in Sec­tion 3 of these Terms and Con­di­tions and has been noti­fied in writ­ing by Future Grid that it has been accept­ed into the Trial. 

Exclud­ed Small Busi­ness means indi­vid­u­als includ­ing sole traders oper­at­ing from an address that is not sole­ly occu­pied by its busi­ness, pri­vate and pub­lic edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, home based busi­ness­es, gov­ern­ment agen­cies, gov­ern­ment owned bod­ies, statu­to­ry cor­po­ra­tions and local gov­ern­ment bod­ies. Busi­ness­es that are insol­vent or under inves­ti­ga­tion are also excluded.

Home Own­er means the reg­is­tered pro­pri­etor of the Prop­er­ty (or if more than one then all the reg­is­tered pro­pri­etors are deemed to be the Recip­i­ent sub­ject to the appli­cant pro­vid­ing the writ­ten author­i­ty of oth­er own­ers). A Home Own­er must be one or more nat­ur­al per­sons. It must not be a cor­po­rate body.

Invoice means a com­pli­ant invoice issued by an Eli­gi­ble Business.

Net­work means the elec­tric­i­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem to which the Prop­er­ty is connected.

Prin­ci­pal means a pro­pri­etor where a busi­ness is a sole trad­er or part­ner­ship, or the man­ag­ing direc­tor where a busi­ness is a company. 

Project Part­ners means the organ­i­sa­tions assist­ing in the deliv­ery of Alice Springs Future grid, which includes Pow­er and Water Cor­po­ra­tion, the Arid Lands Envi­ron­ment Cen­tre and Jacana Ener­gy Pty Ltd, see full list here: alice​springs​fu​ture​grid​.com​.au/​p​r​o​j​e​c​t​-​p​a​r​tners

Prop­er­ty means the res­i­den­tial address of the Home Own­er or busi­ness premis­es occu­pied by a Small Busi­ness in Alice Springs at which the Future Grid Equip­ment will be installed.

Reg­is­ter means the reg­is­ter of Eli­gi­ble Businesses.

Reg­is­tered Inspec­tor means an inspec­tor of the exist­ing Renew­able Ener­gy Sys­tem at a Prop­er­ty for the pur­pose of deter­min­ing the suit­abil­i­ty of such sys­tem to inter­face with the Future Grid Equip­ment, who is list­ed on the Register.

Reg­is­tered Installer means a busi­ness that is suit­ably qual­i­fied to install the Future Grid Equip­ment and is list­ed on the Register.

Relat­ed means:

(a) in rela­tion to a company:

i. a direc­tor or mem­ber of the body or of a relat­ed body cor­po­rate; or

ii. a Rel­a­tive of a direc­tor or mem­ber; or

iii. a Rel­a­tive of the spouse of a direc­tor or mem­ber; or

iv. an employ­ee of the com­pa­ny or a Rel­a­tive of an employ­ee of the company.

(b) in rela­tion to any oth­er kind of legal entity,

i. a pro­pri­etor, part­ner or any oth­er per­son exer­cis­ing con­trol (whether on their own or joint­ly with oth­ers) over the man­age­ment of the Busi­ness; or

ii. a Rel­a­tive of any per­son falling with­in (b)i. above; or

iii. an employ­ee of the Busi­ness or a Rel­a­tive of an employ­ee of the Business

© in rela­tion to a per­son, means a Rel­a­tive of that person.

Rel­a­tive in rela­tion to a per­son, means the spouse, par­ent or grand­par­ent, child or grand­child or broth­er or sis­ter of the person.

Renew­able Ener­gy Sys­tem means the sys­tem com­pris­ing some or all of the fol­low­ing components:

  • (a) solar pho­to­volta­ic panels;
  • (b) invert­er;
  • © bat­tery;
  • (d) inter­net of things device;
  • (e) remote mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol device; and 
  • (f) any oth­er hard­ware and soft­ware that We may require to be in place at the Property

which was installed (or par­tial­ly installed) at the premis­es pri­or to the Com­mence­ment Date. 

Small Busi­ness means a Ter­ri­to­ry Enter­prise that sat­is­fies the fol­low­ing criteria:

  • has no more than 20 employ­ees (includ­ing all pro­pri­etors of the busi­ness who are engaged by it as employ­ees or in its management);
  • Is active­ly trad­ing in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry, and pro­vides its goods or ser­vices to the pub­lic from a phys­i­cal loca­tion sit­u­at­ed on land in Alice Springs;
  • Earns an annu­al rev­enue of at least $75,000.00 and less than $10 mil­lion; and
  • Is a pri­vate enti­ty (i.e. a Pty Ltd com­pa­ny, part­ner­ship or sole trad­er); and
  • Is not an Exclud­ed Small Business.

A Small Busi­ness must either own the Prop­er­ty from which it oper­ates its busi­ness, or be able to pro­vide Us with the writ­ten author­i­ty of the Owner/​s of the Prop­er­ty to par­tic­i­pate in the Trial.

Sup­port­ed Invert­ers means the invert­er with­in the Renew­able Ener­gy Sys­tem that will it to be active in the VPP Tri­al. These invert­ers are list­ed on the website.

SwitchDin is the own­er of the VPP Platform.

A Ter­ri­to­ry Enter­prise is a busi­ness that sat­is­fies all of the following:

  • oper­at­ing in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry — the enter­prise is cur­rent­ly engaged in pro­duc­tive activ­i­ties out of premis­es with­in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry (i.e., pro­duc­tion of goods or deliv­ery of ser­vices); and
  • has a sig­nif­i­cant per­ma­nent pres­ence — the enter­prise main­tains an office, man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ties or oth­er per­ma­nent base with­in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry; and
  • employs North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry residents.

Tri­al or VPP Tri­al means the solar only tri­al, the bat­tery tri­al or both as the case may be, as out­lined in the Introduction.

User Data means:

  • data gen­er­at­ed or trans­mit­ted by parts of the Future Grid Equip­ment, includ­ing the amount of solar PV elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­at­ed, used, export­ed to the Net­work and stored, the amount of elec­tric­i­ty import­ed from the Net­work (includ­ing as gen­er­at­ed or mea­sured by your elec­tric­i­ty meter(s) and inverter(s)); and
  • any data or oth­er infor­ma­tion relat­ing to gen­er­a­tion man­age­ment at your premis­es; and
  • infor­ma­tion relat­ing to bat­tery state of charge (where applic­a­ble), volt­age, active pow­er, reac­tive pow­er, cur­rent and frequency,

both on a net and a real-time basis.

Vir­tu­al Pow­er Plant (VPP) means a net­work of dis­trib­uted solar bat­ter­ies and pho­to­volta­ic (PV) sys­tems, which are con­nect­ed and can be oper­at­ed as one by a retail­er or net­work oper­a­tor, using a cen­tral cloud-based plat­form (VPP Plat­form).

Vouch­er means a pay­ment instru­ment or pre­loaded deb­it card issued by Us to an Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent for per­son­al use. Each Vouch­er will car­ry a val­ue com­men­su­rate with the list of pay­ment enti­tle­ments set out on the Website.

We, Us, Our are ref­er­ences to Desert Knowl­edge Aus­tralia (DKA) act­ing in its role as lead con­sor­tium mem­ber for the Alice Springs Future Grid Project, and, if the con­text per­mits or it is explic­it­ly stat­ed, are also ref­er­ences to our Project Partners.

Web­site means www​.alice​springs​fu​ture​grid​.com​.au

    Works are the:

    • inspec­tion of the Prop­er­ty to ensure it has a com­pat­i­ble Renew­able Ener­gy Sys­tem by a Reg­is­tered Inspec­tor (Stage 1), and
    • sup­ply, instal­la­tion and com­mis­sion­ing at a Prop­er­ty of the Future Grid Equip­ment (as required) by a Reg­is­tered Installer (Stage 2); and
    • con­duct of fur­ther checks to ensure the Renew­able Ener­gy Sys­tem at the Prop­er­ty is capa­ble of meet­ing require­ments for the VPP tri­al and that con­di­tions of a new or exist­ing Con­nec­tion Agree­ment are met, and that all Works have been car­ried out in accor­dance with all rel­e­vant laws and have received all rel­e­vant per­mits and approvals, such as (but not lim­it­ed to) Cer­tifi­cates of Com­pli­ance (Stage 3).

    3. Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Criteria 

    To be eli­gi­ble to par­tic­i­pate in the Tri­al a Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness must:

    • be an Active Res­i­den­tial or Busi­ness Cus­tomer of Jacana Ener­gy with an elec­tric­i­ty account reg­is­tered in their name at the Property;
    • con­sent to hav­ing the Future Grid Equip­ment installed at the Property;
    • either have solar pan­els already installed at the Prop­er­ty or be pre­pared to acquire solar panels;
    • declare that the Prop­er­ty is not reg­is­tered for life sup­port in con­nec­tion with life sup­port med­ical equip­ment or oth­er crit­i­cal needs and is not expect­ed to be dur­ing the course of the Trial;
    • have and main­tain con­tin­u­ous­ly through­out the Tri­al a valid and active inter­net con­nec­tion ser­vice at the Property.
    • exe­cute a con­tract with Jacana Ener­gy for Tri­al participation;

    Both Home Own­ers and Small Busi­ness­es are eli­gi­ble for the Solar-Only tri­al. For this tri­al the appli­cant must:

    Only Home Own­ers are eli­gi­ble for the Bat­tery tri­al. For this tri­al the appli­cant must:

    • have a Renew­able Ener­gy Sys­tem with­in the Basic size range, per Pow­er and Water Corporation’s PV and bat­tery ener­gy stor­age (BES) sys­tem class require­ments.
    • have a PV sys­tem installed no lat­er than 2016, or acquire a PV sys­tem pri­or to com­mence­ment of the tri­al, with at least a 4.5kW invert­er; and
    • have a bat­tery installed, or acquire a bat­tery pri­or to com­mence­ment of the tri­al, and an invert­er (or hybrid invert­er) from the sup­port­ed invert­er list. Pref­er­ence will be giv­en to sys­tems with over 7kWh of use­able energy.

    4. Participant’s Obligations

    4.1 Appli­ca­tion

    The Tri­al is open to Home Own­ers and Small Busi­ness­es who meet the eli­gi­bil­i­ty Cri­te­ria in Clause 3 and have been noti­fied in writ­ing that their appli­ca­tion is accept­ed to par­tic­i­pate in the Trial. 

    Stage 1

    • Check the basic eli­gi­bil­i­ty criteria
    • Fol­low the link to start a new online application
    • Fill out the required details
    • Make the Dec­la­ra­tion; and
    • Sub­mit application.

    The Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness must also com­plete and elec­tron­i­cal­ly sign the dec­la­ra­tion con­tained in the appli­ca­tion form. Appli­ca­tions by Small Busi­ness­es must be made by a Prin­ci­pal of the business.

    For assis­tance with online appli­ca­tions, appli­cants may phone or email info@​alicespringsfuturegrid.​com.​au or 1800 ALICE VPP (1800 254 238) and a response should be pro­vid­ed with­in five busi­ness days.

    We will make all enquiries about the Home Own­er, the Small Busi­ness and the Prop­er­ty, as rel­e­vant, that We deem nec­es­sary, through the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed and from third-par­ty infor­ma­tion. The Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness will pro­vide any writ­ten autho­ri­sa­tions that We may require to car­ry out due dili­gence. If it does not, it may become inel­i­gi­ble to participate.

    Stage 2

    The appli­ca­tion will be referred by Us to Jacana Ener­gy and the Pow­er and Water Cor­po­ra­tion. The Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness must enter into a sup­ply con­tract with Jacana Ener­gy on such terms as it requires. Once Jacana Ener­gy con­firms to Us that all its require­ments have been met, the appli­ca­tion will be approved and the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness will par­tic­i­pate in the Tri­al on Jacana Energy’s and these terms and con­di­tions (as amend­ed from time to time) and any oth­er terms that We may noti­fy on the Web­site from time to time. Once a con­tract is signed the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness will move to Stage 3.

    Stage 3

    The Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness will need to ensure that an inspec­tion of the Prop­er­ty by a Reg­is­tered Installer is under­tak­en and that any Works required are com­plet­ed. The Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness may arrange an inspec­tion direct­ly with the Reg­is­ter Installer, or agree that a Future Grid Project Part­ner (such as ALEC) to arrange the inspec­tions on their behalf.

    The Reg­is­tered Inspec­tor will invoice Us direct­ly for the inspec­tion and works relat­ing to the Future Grid Equip­ment only. If site works are required, the Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent will need to pro­vide con­sent for these works. A quote will be pro­vid­ed to the Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent for Works, We will cov­er costs relat­ing to the Future Grid Equip­ment and its instal­la­tion. How­ev­er, where addi­tion­al works are required we will con­sid­er these and may request that the Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent pays for these addi­tion­al works.

    If the Reg­is­tered Installer reports to Us that the Prop­er­ty is suit­able to par­tic­i­pate in the VPP Tri­al, the appli­ca­tion will move to Stage 4.

    Stage 4

    Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ents will be acti­vat­ed in the Solar Con­nect VPP.

    Once the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness is for­mal­ly enrolled and active in the VPP plat­form, man­aged by Jacana Ener­gy, a sign on” incen­tive pay­ment will be pro­vid­ed to the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness in the form of a Voucher.

    The Future Grid Equip­ment installed as part of the Works will be acquired by Us from SwitchDin and pro­vid­ed to the Premis­es at no cost. Dur­ing the Tri­al We will retain own­er­ship and We will main­tain (at our cost) the Future Grid Equip­ment dur­ing the Tri­al, to the extent required because of:

    • ordi­nary wear and tear incurred dur­ing the Trial;
    • Our need to upgrade or replace the Future Grid Equip­ment to sup­port the Tri­al; and
    • faults in the Future Grid Equip­ment which are occur­ring due to the man­ner in which the Future Grid Equip­ment was man­u­fac­tured or installed.

    We will not be respon­si­ble for the cost of main­tain­ing or repair­ing the Future Grid Equip­ment in any cir­cum­stances oth­er than those described above, includ­ing where the Future Grid Equipment:

    • is dam­aged by the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness or oth­er third par­ties vis­it­ing the Property;
    • becomes faulty due to any unau­tho­rised work done to the Future Grid Equip­ment includ­ing by an unau­tho­rised per­son; or
    • is dam­aged by events beyond Our con­trol, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to flood, fire, theft, light­en­ing, earth­quake or extreme hot or cold weather.

    If the Future Grid Equip­ment becomes faulty or dam­aged dur­ing the Tri­al you must noti­fy us imme­di­ate­ly and pro­vide us with all infor­ma­tion that We might request in order to attend to repairs and main­te­nance issues. 

    If We require you to trans­port the Future Grid Equip­ment for ser­vice We will pay the rea­son­able costs of doing so.

    At the end of the Tri­al the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness may elect to return the Future Grid Equip­ment to Us or take own­er­ship of it. We will liaise with par­tic­i­pants towards the antic­i­pat­ed end of the Tri­al in rela­tion to this.

    The Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness must noti­fy Us if:

    • It adds, or intends to add, addi­tion­al PV gen­er­a­tion or bat­tery stor­age capac­i­ty at the Prop­er­ty. Any added com­po­nent or capac­i­ty must be com­pat­i­ble with the VPP Plat­form and the Future Grid Equipment; 
    • if the Bat­tery or PV sys­tem will be unavail­able for a peri­od of time; or
    • the Prop­er­ty will be vacant for a peri­od of more than 14 days in any giv­en month. 

    Note: Stage 2 and 3 may occur in par­al­lel, or in reverse order. This will depend on what equip­ment is already installed at the prop­er­ty. If new Renew­able Ener­gy Sys­tem com­po­nents are added to sites, works are expect­ed to be com­plet­ed with­in 90 days of sign­ing a Jacana Ener­gy con­tract, and no lat­er than 31 Jan­u­ary 2022.

    4.2 War­ran­ty by Busi­ness car­ry­ing out Works

    By sub­mit­ting a quo­ta­tion, a Busi­ness war­rants to Us and to the Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent that it will car­ry out the Works in accor­dance with any require­ments of the Pow­er and Water Cor­po­ra­tion, (save and except for dis­pen­sa­tions allowed for this Tri­al), and oth­er­wise in accor­dance with all rel­e­vant laws. The Busi­ness and staff it employs to car­ry out the Works will hold, in addi­tion to all oth­er require­ments in the eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria, rel­e­vant Clean Ener­gy Coun­cil (CEC) accred­i­ta­tion and endorse­ments and will only install CEC approved prod­ucts (where works are required at the Prop­er­ty beyond the Works described here). Busi­ness­es must also ensure they have the rel­e­vant accred­i­ta­tions for the equip­ment that they man­age and install. For exam­ple, if com­plet­ing works at a Prop­er­ty with SwitchDin or Tes­la equip­ment the installer must be accred­it­ed by those businesses. 

    4.3 Oblig­a­tions of Small Busi­ness and/​or Home Owner

    All Home Own­ers and Small Busi­ness­es par­tic­i­pat­ing in the VPP Tri­al war­rant to Us that they:

    • will prop­er­ly and safe­ly keep and main­tain the Future Grid Equip­ment at the Property; 
    • will not take any steps to alter or dam­age the Future Grid Equip­ment, nor attempt to remove or inter­fere with any con­trols, func­tion­al­i­ty, con­nec­tions or hardware;
    • will not take any steps to pre­vent the User Data being trans­mit­ted to Us; 
    • will ensure that:
      1. a valid and active inter­net con­nec­tion is main­tained at the Prop­er­ty at all times, includ­ing wi-fi con­nec­tiv­i­ty, from the com­mence­ment date of the Tri­al until the date on which the Tri­al is noti­fied to be at an end; and
      2. agree that We may use a rea­son­able amount of band­width (at no cost to us) to sup­port their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Trial;

    If any infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed to Us by a Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness changes, they must tell us with­in ten (10) busi­ness days of them becom­ing aware of any such change. This includes if they vacate or sell the Prop­er­ty, or if they no longer meet the eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria for any rea­son whatsoever.

    If We become aware of any changes that alter the suit­abil­i­ty of the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness to con­tin­ue par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Tri­al (in our com­plete dis­cre­tion) then We will noti­fy the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness that their par­tic­i­pa­tion will terminate.

    A par­tic­i­pant Home Owner/​Small Busi­ness here­by con­sents to Us remote­ly access­ing, con­trol­ling and mon­i­tor­ing the Future Grid Equip­ment, and to the col­lec­tion, stor­age and use of User Data for the pur­pos­es of the Project.

    We may at any time dur­ing the Tri­al share User Data with any of our Project Part­ners. Our Project Part­ners will only use User Data for the pur­pos­es of the Project.

    5. Par­tic­i­pa­tion Rules and Process for con­duct of Works by Business

    5.1 Eli­gi­bil­i­ty

    To car­ry out Works for an Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent, the busi­ness must be an Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness and must be list­ed on the Register.

    5.2 Reg­is­tra­tion Process

    Suit­ably qual­i­fied busi­ness­es who wish to car­ry out Works for the Tri­al should:

    1. Com­plete an appli­ca­tion form, with required details includ­ing the tech­nolo­gies they are accred­it­ed to work with, busi­ness dec­la­ra­tions and doc­u­ments. This will be pro­vid­ed direct­ly to you or can be request­ed from 1800 VPP ALICE.
    2. Com­plete installer train­ing by SwitchDin and pro­vide writ­ten evi­dence that they are accred­it­ed to work with their product(s).

    We will car­ry out all enquiries that we deem nec­es­sary or desir­able and advise whether an appli­cant Busi­ness has been accept­ed to par­tic­i­pate as an Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness or not. Our deci­sion as to whether a Busi­ness will be placed on the Reg­is­ter is final and no cor­re­spon­dence will be entered into.

    5.3 Con­duct of Works, Invoic­ing and Payment

    Once a Busi­ness is list­ed on the Reg­is­ter it may pro­vide quotation/​s to an Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent and, if the Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent accepts a quo­ta­tion, car­ry out the Works. Details are pro­vid­ed on the web­site, see Sched­ule 1: Site Require­ments and Sched­ule 2: Deliverables.

    The dis­pen­sa­tions from Pow­er and Water’s Basic Micro EG Con­nec­tion Spec­i­fi­ca­tion, to allow the works to pro­ceed and for the site to par­tic­i­pate in the VPP will be pro­vid­ed to Eli­gi­ble Businesses.

    The SwitchDin droplet will be pro­vid­ed by the Us at no cost to the Busi­ness or Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent, on request by the Business.

    Where a con­sump­tion meter is required to be installed at the Prop­er­ty, it must be pro­vid­ed by the Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness and DKA will pay to the Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness an amount equal to the cost of the meter plus 10% such installation:

    We will pay for Works com­plet­ed on a per hour basis. It is antic­i­pat­ed that each stage of Works will take up to two (2) hours to com­plete at rates of no more than $150.00 per hour (exclud­ing GST). 

    Busi­ness­es should note that they must not car­ry out Works for:

    1. an Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent that is Relat­ed to or a Rel­a­tive of the Busi­ness with­out first hav­ing the writ­ten con­sent of Us. 
    2. A solar-only Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ent where the Busi­ness installed and com­mis­sioned the sys­tem with­out first hav­ing the writ­ten con­sent of Us.

    At each Stage the Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness must car­ry out the Works required and in accor­dance with the installer check­list on the Web­site and any oth­er approvals/​requirements of Us or Jacana Ener­gy or Pow­er and Water Cor­po­ra­tion, and once Works are com­plet­ed must sub­mit its invoic­es in respect of each Stage of Works to Us, and if in order, we will pay the invoice/​s.

    Tax invoic­es con­tain­ing the fol­low­ing information:

    • Busi­ness name
    • Aus­tralian Busi­ness Number
    • Con­tact per­son and con­tact details
    • Invoice date
    • Address of works (the Property)
    • Person(s) invoiced (Recip­i­ent) and address/​contact details
    • Descrip­tion of Works under­tak­en for Alice Springs Future Grid VPP Trial
    • Con­fir­ma­tion of Renew­able Ener­gy Sys­tem site details, includ­ing make and size of bat­tery and, as rel­e­vant, make and size of invert­er and solar PV panels
    • Con­nec­tion agree­ment and cer­tifi­cates of com­pli­ance, as applicable
    • Total price (clear­ly show­ing mate­ri­als, labour and any GST component/​s separately)
    • Pay­ment terms and conditions
    • Break­down of the amount cov­ered by the Project, includ­ing show­ing GST amounts sep­a­rate­ly as well as the GST for the total invoice

    The Busi­ness will be paid direct­ly on their invoice/​s, for Works direct­ly relat­ed to the require­ments of the VPP Tri­al (includ­ing the instal­la­tion of Future Grid Equip­ment). Any oth­er or fur­ther works under­tak­en at the request of the Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness that are not direct­ly required for par­tic­i­pa­tion in the VPP Tri­al must be paid to the Busi­ness by the consumer.

    5.4 Time lim­its on Works and Con­duct of Audit

    In order to be eli­gi­ble to receive a Vouch­er, Works must be arranged by the eli­gi­ble Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness and com­plet­ed by Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness­es with­in 12 weeks of accep­tance into the VPP Tri­al and in any event by no lat­er than 31 Jan­u­ary 2022). 

    We may con­duct an Audit at any time dur­ing the course of the VPP Tri­al and dur­ing the twelve (12) months fol­low­ing the con­clu­sion of the Trial. 

    6. Out­sourcing/­Sub-con­tract­ing

    Out­sourc­ing and/​or sub-con­tract­ing by an Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness is not permitted.

    7. No Incentives

    A Busi­ness must not offer to a Recip­i­ent, and a Recip­i­ent must not ask for or accept from the Busi­ness (or any­one act­ing on behalf of the Busi­ness), any offer of a ben­e­fit (whether mon­e­tary or oth­er­wise) to the Recip­i­ent or any third par­ty, as induce­ment to the Recip­i­ent to accept a quo­ta­tion, oth­er than the com­ple­tion of the Works set out and described in the quotation.

    8. Works and par­tic­i­pa­tion in Tri­al at Risk of Recipient

    We give no war­ranties, express or implied, as to the suit­abil­i­ty or cal­i­bre of any Busi­ness to con­duct the Works.

    We will not car­ry out any spe­cif­ic enquiries in rela­tion to a Busi­ness oth­er than those We deem nec­es­sary in Our absolute dis­cre­tion. The Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness must make all enquiries he/​she/​it thinks nec­es­sary to ensure that the quot­ing Busi­ness is suit­ably qual­i­fied and expe­ri­enced to under­take the works, and We take no respon­si­bil­i­ty what­so­ev­er for any works or con­duct by the Busi­ness which may not meet the Recipient’s expec­ta­tions, includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion works that are of unac­cept­able stan­dard, qual­i­ty or work­man­ship. Fur­ther, We take no respon­si­bil­i­ty for any dam­age or loss of any kind accru­ing to the Recip­i­ent in the event that the quot­ing Busi­ness fails to com­plete the work by the cut off dates (or at all).

    We also take make no war­ran­ty as to the sav­ings a Home Own­er or Small Busi­ness may or may not make in rela­tion to the cost of pow­er con­sumed at the Prop­er­ty by par­tic­i­pat­ing in the VPP Trial.

    9. Due Dili­gence, Audit and Com­pli­ance with Law

    All par­tic­i­pants in the Tri­al acknowledge:

    • that We will con­duct such due dili­gence enquiries as We see fit in order to ensure the integri­ty of the Tri­al. Such enquiries may include (but are not nec­es­sar­i­ly lim­it­ed to) com­pa­ny and busi­ness name search­es on Home Own­ers, Busi­ness­es and Prop­er­ties, onsite inspec­tions of the Prop­er­ty, checks on Works, search­es of the courts and/​or the trustee in bank­rupt­cy, checks with licens­ing author­i­ties and the like; and
    • that it is a con­di­tion of par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Tri­al that Busi­ness­es and Recip­i­ents com­ply with all rel­e­vant laws.

    By apply­ing to par­tic­i­pate in the Tri­al, and with­out lim­it­ing any spe­cif­ic rights We have under these Terms and Con­di­tions, Busi­ness­es and Recip­i­ents declare that they agree to Us hav­ing access to any pri­vate reg­is­ter of infor­ma­tion in rela­tion to the Busi­ness or Recip­i­ent, and to Us using, stor­ing and releas­ing for all law­ful pur­pos­es, their infor­ma­tion, includ­ing per­son­al information.

    10. Use of Data and Privacy

    10.1 Data Use

    • We will mon­i­tor your User Data through the VPP, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to, the gen­er­a­tion and export of elec­tric­i­ty from your PV sys­tem, elec­tric­i­ty stor­age, charge and dis­charge in the Bat­tery, and your house­hold elec­tric­i­ty usage;
    • You acknowl­edge and agree that we may use, repro­duce, adapt, mod­i­fy, com­mu­ni­cate, license, broad­cast, dis­trib­ute, pub­lish, com­mer­cialise, dis­sem­i­nate and exploit the data col­lect­ed dur­ing the Tri­al for any pur­pose and in any way, includ­ing for pur­pos­es that are not relat­ed to the Tri­al, pro­vid­ing that any per­son­al infor­ma­tion asso­ci­at­ed with the data is man­aged in accor­dance with our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy avail­able at www​.alice​springs​fu​ture​grid​.com​.au/​p​r​ivacy

    10.2 Pri­va­cy

    • Sub­ject to this clause and our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, you con­sent to your User Data and any infor­ma­tion about your house­hold billing nec­es­sary for tri­al pur­pos­es, to be shared with our Project Part­ners.
    • Sub­ject to this clause and our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, you con­sent to be con­tact­ed about par­tic­i­pat­ing in Tri­al stud­ies and/​or research, which may include but is not lim­it­ed to ques­tion­naires and sur­veys about your par­tic­i­pa­tion in the tri­al, engage­ment ini­tia­tives where oth­er Tri­al par­tic­i­pants may be present, and requests for tes­ti­monies, or to be fea­tured in media inter­views, pho­tos etc.

    11. Use of Intel­lec­tu­al Property

    All Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty which is cre­at­ed as a result of, or in rela­tion to, the VPP Tri­al (includ­ing your User Data and any intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty in rela­tion to your Data), vests in Us on its cre­ation. You agree that you have no rights in rela­tion to this intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty or to any of our exist­ing or future intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty that we con­tribute to the VPP Trial. 

    12. Release and Indemnity

    By apply­ing to par­tic­i­pate and as a con­tin­u­ing oblig­a­tion through­out any peri­od of par­tic­i­pa­tion in the VPP Tri­al, all Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness­es and Eli­gi­ble Recip­i­ents declare and war­rant to Us that they have read, under­stood and ful­ly accept these terms and con­di­tions and ful­ly release and indem­ni­fy Us against any loss or dam­age he/​she/​it/​they may suf­fer of any nature what­so­ev­er (includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion per­son­al injury or death) caused or con­tributed to by par­tic­i­pa­tion in the VPP Tri­al, the con­duct of the Works or oth­er­wise, includ­ing loss or dam­age caused (or to the extent con­tributed to) by Jacana Ener­gy or the Pow­er and Water Corporation.

    13. Dis­putes and Complaints

    We are not respon­si­ble for resolv­ing any dis­putes between Recip­i­ents and Busi­ness­es. Recip­i­ents and Busi­ness­es must con­duct their own due dili­gence with regards to their con­tract to car­ry out Works on the Prop­er­ty and must take their own inde­pen­dent legal advice in rela­tion to any dis­putes that may arise.

    14. Changes to Terms, With­draw­al from and End of Trial

    We reserve the right to:

    • vary these terms and con­di­tions, the eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria or any oth­er doc­u­ment­ed rule or pro­ce­dure relat­ing to the Tri­al at any time
    • accept or reject any appli­ca­tion for par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Tri­al and/​or any appli­ca­tion for issue or redemp­tion of a Vouch­er in its absolute discretion
    • decide in its dis­cre­tion whether a busi­ness, an appli­cant, a prop­er­ty or works does or does not meet the intent of the eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria for par­tic­i­pa­tion (notwith­stand­ing that it may meet the require­ments of the rel­e­vant definition)
    • remove a Busi­ness from fur­ther par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Tri­al where We have rea­son­ably deter­mined that the Busi­ness is no longer an Eli­gi­ble Busi­ness, is in breach of these terms and con­di­tions or is oth­er­wise not com­ply­ing with the objec­tive, intent or expec­ta­tion of the Tri­al, or
    • cease the VPP Tri­al at any time should VPP Tri­al pol­i­cy change (or for any oth­er rea­son that DKA may deter­mine in its absolute dis­cre­tion) in which case no fur­ther Vouch­ers will be issued.

    The Tri­al is expect­ed to con­tin­ue for 1 year, sub­ject to any deci­sion to end it before it com­pletes. The open­ing date for appli­ca­tions will be pub­lished on the Web­site, and the Tri­al will cease upon noti­fi­ca­tion being pub­lished on the Website.

    Home Own­ers or Small Busi­ness­es may with­draw from the Tri­al by noti­fy­ing Us at info@​alicespringsfuturegrid.​com.​au. before sign­ing a Jacana Ener­gy con­tract. Once enrolled in the VPP Home Own­ers or Small Busi­ness will be able to with­draw only in accor­dance with the con­di­tions con­tained in their sup­ply agree­ment with Jacana Energy.