Submit a question

If you can’t find the answer you’re look­ing for, you are wel­come to ask our experts! 

Each ques­tion is fact checked by mul­ti­ple par­ties, so we won’t make any promis­es on time­frame, but we will let you know via email when the answer is post­ed online. 

Intyal­heme reserves the right to edit the ques­tions submitted.

The Intyal­heme Cen­tre for Future Ener­gy and the Alice Springs Future Grid Con­sor­tium Mem­bers reserve the right to exer­cise edi­to­r­i­al judge­ment in select­ing, edit­ing and answer­ing ques­tions submitted.

Ques­tions will be edit­ed by Intyal­heme to ensure they fit the avail­able space, and that they are word­ed clear­ly, accu­rate­ly, and with appro­pri­ate legal and eth­i­cal oversight. 

Once a ques­tion is sub­mit­ted, the author has no fur­ther rights over that con­tent. Any infor­ma­tion post­ed remains the prop­er­ty of Intyal­heme and Desert Knowl­edge Aus­tralia. Authors of ques­tions are not per­mit­ted to sub­mit defam­a­to­ry, mali­cious or ille­gal contact.