Alice Springs has a strong history of renewable energy innovation, along with enthusiasm across the community for the adoption of rooftop solar panels. According to recent estimates from the Australian PV Institute, more than one-in-five dwellings in the Alice Springs local government area now has rooftop solar PV installed, with this number expected to continue to rise.
Recognising that there is now a need to diversify the technology mix to support further renewable energy in the grid, the team at Alice Springs Future Grid project wanted to start the project with finding out about the community’s appetite in this space.
First Community survey conducted in 2021
Before rolling out any project activities, a sample of Alice Springs residents were surveyed to explore current levels of knowledge and awareness of renewable energy, as well as existing levels of engagement with technologies such as solar power and battery storage systems.
Several methods were used to recruit a diverse cross-section of participants, including circulation of an online survey to all Alice Springs Jacana Energy customers which had registered email addresses. In addition, a field team from McGregor Tan, market research consultant, undertook some face-to-face and telephone surveying.
In January 2023, the community was surveyed once again, this time via an online survey, circulated through Jacana Energy Customers in Alice Springs, the Alice Springs Future Grid Mailing List and social media (McGregor Tan did not undertake face-to-face and telephone surveying this time).
Below you can see a snapshot of some of the results in a fact sheet compiled by Project Partner ALEC, which is leading the community-facing elements of Future Grid.
You can download the snap-shot results from 2020 HERE.
A snapshot of some of the 2023 results are in a fact sheet below.