This con­tent has been writ­ten col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly by the Project Part­ners of Alice Springs Future Grid, led by the Intyal­heme Cen­tre for Future Ener­gy. Please sub­mit your ques­tions, which will be answered in due course and shared on this plat­form if rel­e­vant and appro­pri­ate. You will be noti­fied via email when the answer is post­ed. Terms and con­di­tions are detailed on the sub­mit a ques­tion page. Fur­ther FAQs specif­i­cal­ly about the Solar Con­nect Vir­tu­al Pow­er Plant tri­al are addressed in this doc­u­ment

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Will the Future Grid project have an impact on low socio-economic demographics, people in town camps, or remote communities?

In partnership with Territory Housing, the Alice Springs Future Grid installed 15 solar battery systems on public housing to ascertain the impact of public housing energy consumption behaviour into the Energy Grid.

It was recognised that solar has the effect of enabling those with the financial means to do so to reduce their power bills, while this project allowed these benefits to be shared with tenants. In addition, the Arid Lands Environment Centre led a Low-Socioeconomic study that presents baseline information on the challenges facing this section of the community in accessing direct benefits from renewable energy.

Are outstation stand-alone power systems part of the 50% by 2030 renewable energy target?

Microgrids, or stand-alone power systems, overseen by IES (Indigenous Essential Services) have a target of 70% by 2030.

IES is a subsidiary of Power and Water Corporation. It services 72 remote communities and 66 outstations across the NT. In total there are 430 homelands and outstations in the NT. 130 renewable energy systems were installed by Bushlight, with many more funded through other programs. This means there will be renewable energy generated which is not counted in the target, but the amount is fairly limited.

What happens to solar panels at the end of their life?

This is a subject of much discussion and study, and is even the focus of a current Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) funding opportunity. It does pose a looming waste management issue, with the design life of solar panels at 20 to 30 years, and many installed well over a decade ago. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimates there could be 60 to 78 million tons of photovoltaic panel waste accumulated globally by 2050. It also estimates the recyclable materials will be worth $15bn in recoverable value.

It is envisaged that recycling solar panels will create industry and employment opportunities, keep valuable resources out of landfill, help to retain rare elements, and prevent heavy metals leaching into the environment. There are a couple of companies working in this space in Australia.

Could Alice Springs reach 100% renewables by 2030?

It’s absolutely feasible before 2030 that we can work towards operation at 100% renewable energy at certain times of the day or year. This was a scenario modelled as part of the Roadmap to 2030. However, how frequently we do that and for how long will then become a question of economics and power system stability.

Solar is currently the only commercially viable renewable resource in Central Australia, and to reach 100% solar would require a very large (and prohibitively expensive) battery, to cover the overnight periods. Learning how to provide Essential System Services through renewable energy technologies is crucial to reaching 100% solar during the day. Future Grid's Wind Monitoring Study demonstrated that it may be possible diversify the Alice Springs energy portfolio. Although on its own it may be more expensive than the typical cost of wind generation in Australia, due to the poorer overall wind resources, it has a notable degree of solar/wind resource complementarity. That is the wind resource is most abundant in the late afternoon and evening when solar generation potential is significantly below maximum demand. Other factors that could assist - but are outside the scope of Alice Springs Future Grid - include the adoption of electric vehicles and their integration into the grid, and the development of a green hydrogen industry.

Why is the renewable energy target only 50 per cent in such a sunny place?

The 50% by 2030 renewable energy target has been established by the Northern Territory Government. Future Grid does not see itself as being limited by any particular target and is investigating how to maximise progress towards a renewable energy future and the systems to support that vision.

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