This con­tent has been writ­ten col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly by the Project Part­ners of Alice Springs Future Grid, led by the Intyal­heme Cen­tre for Future Ener­gy. Please sub­mit your ques­tions, which will be answered in due course and shared on this plat­form if rel­e­vant and appro­pri­ate. You will be noti­fied via email when the answer is post­ed. Terms and con­di­tions are detailed on the sub­mit a ques­tion page. Fur­ther FAQs specif­i­cal­ly about the Solar Con­nect Vir­tu­al Pow­er Plant tri­al are addressed in this doc­u­ment

Can’t find what you’re after? Send us a question!

If I get an electric vehicle (EV) do I need 3-phase power at my house to charge it? How much does it cost to charge each day?

You don’t need 3-phase power to charge an EV. In fact, you can purchase charging cables that plug into a standard domestic socket. The most common way to charge an EV is via a "type 2" charger, and many EV drivers will opt to have a charging point installed in their home. A 3-phase connection will charge your car more quickly. A single phase type 2 connection will be slower than 3-phase but faster than your standard household sockets. Your local solar installer or electrician can assist with questions specific to your case. The cost of the charge will depend on the general cost of electricity, the capacity of the vehicle’s batteries, and whether you’re incorporating solar power. A fuel cost savings calculator can be found on myelectriccar.com.au, with plentiful similar resources available elsewhere online.

Are there charging stations along the Stuart Highway to Adelaide and Darwin? Are they fast chargers?

There are enough chargers along the highway to comfortably travel the length of Australia. There are a surprising number of charging points all over Australia, including in some incredibly remote locations, such as Kiwirrkurra, which is one of the most remote settlements on the planet! It is easy to view the full range of charging points on the app PlugShare.

What is the project’s position on vehicle-to-grid technology and electric vehicles in general?

The Future Grid car was an electric vehicle (a Nissan Leaf) and there were individuals in the team and community who were highly enthused about this technology. However, operating within a constrained budget and timeline, electric vehicles or related trials were not considered as part of the project. The team designed a series of interdependent activities that served to consider immediate issues in the system and support further renewable energy penetration into the Alice Springs grid in a cost-effective and realistic way. These interventions made use of and optimise existing grid infrastructure, which is a valuable public asset. The Future Grid team always welcomed any future or parallel projects that supported the increased use of electric vehicles in Alice Springs or focused on the integration of this technology as another means of supporting the grid.

Can’t find what you’re after? Send us a question!