Virtual Power Point Trial: Data Snapshot


Data from the Virtual Power Point trial in Alice Springs across 2022-2023, from 47 sites with photovoltaic cells (solar panels) and some with battery systems.

Type: Report Future Grid publication   Format: PDF

The analy­sis indi­cates the Vir­tu­al Pow­er Point (VPP) large­ly per­formed as expect­ed, with solar gen­er­a­tion dur­ing day­time hours more than suf­fi­cient to meet house­hold and busi­ness load on aver­age result­ing in export of excess solar to the grid. At sites with bat­ter­ies, bat­ter­ies were charged dur­ing day­light hours and dis­charged dur­ing the evening and morn­ing hours, and the effect of the tar­iff struc­tures imple­ment­ed dur­ing the tri­al is clear­ly shown in the out­put data. VPP sites typ­i­cal­ly export­ed more ener­gy to the grid than was import­ed on any giv­en day, although some days, espe­cial­ly in low irra­di­ance and cool­er con­di­tions, had a net import of energy. 

Read the report to view the data in full.