Green Energy Taskforce - report 2

Northern Territory Government


The Government’s 2009 Climate Change Policy established a Green Energy Taskforce to provide expert advice, as well as assisting the Territory in meeting its goal of having 20% of its electricity demand met by renewable and low emission sources by 2020.

Type: Report  

The Government’s 2009 Cli­mate Change Pol­i­cy estab­lished a Green Ener­gy Taskforce

to pro­vide expert advice on strate­gies, incen­tives and path­ways to encour­age the growth and

fund­ing of the renew­able and low emis­sions ener­gy indus­try in the Ter­ri­to­ry as well as assisting

the Ter­ri­to­ry in meet­ing its goal of hav­ing 20% of its elec­tric­i­ty demand met by renew­able and

low emis­sion sources by 2020.