- Solar Connect: Batteries

Battery vpp trial

Inter­est­ed in bat­ter­ies? So are we!

As part of the Future Grid Solar Con­nect VPP bat­tery tri­als, you’ll reserve 1.75kWh of your battery’s capac­i­ty to pro­vide dai­ly grid sup­port ser­vices via the VPP. You will also inte­grate your com­pat­i­ble PV and bat­tery sys­tem for mon­i­tor­ing pur­pos­es. In exchange, you’ll receive a month­ly VPP cred­it to your elec­tric­i­ty bill.

In addi­tion to the month­ly VPP cred­it on your elec­tric­i­ty bill and a bonus par­tic­i­pant vouch­er (yours to use as you like), you have the option of choos­ing between two dif­fer­ent tar­iff options – your exist­ing stan­dard tar­iff or a spe­cial 7 — 11 tar­iff devel­oped for the tri­al. If you choose the 7 — 11 tar­iff option, your bat­tery will be sched­uled to charge and dis­charge to opti­mise your finan­cial return. The inno­v­a­tive 7 — 11 tar­iff will also accom­mo­date more solar in the community. 

Pre-sub­­­mis­­­sion checklist

To be eli­gi­ble you will need to:

  • Be a Jacana Ener­gy customer
  • Be an own­er-occu­pi­er of the home you wish to reg­is­ter in the trial
  • Have a con­tin­u­ous inter­net connection
  • Own an eli­gi­ble* solar and bat­tery stor­age system.
  • Have a bat­tery with at least 7kWh in usable ener­gy (with pref­er­ence for sys­tems with at least 9kWh in usable energy)

*LG Chem, BYD, Red­back and oth­er brands can be enrolled in the tri­al. How­ev­er, it is impor­tant to check that your invert­er brand is com­pat­i­ble, this may be a dif­fer­ent brand to your battery.

New Bat­ter­ies

House­holds who sign up and install a new sys­tem as part of the tri­al are eli­gi­ble for a $500 VPP voucher. 

Par­tic­i­pants can still take advan­tage of addi­tion­al incen­tives through the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­men­t’s Home and Busi­ness Bat­tery Scheme.

Vouch­er$500 Vouch­er
Month­ly Credit$50 / Month
Tar­iffTwo options (see below table for details)
Bat­tery Requirements1.75kWh reserved to pro­vide grid sup­port services.
Com­mit­ment12 Months

Exist­ing Batteries

House­holds with an exist­ing, eli­gi­ble solar and bat­tery sys­tem can sign up to the VPP.

Vouch­er$200 Vouch­er
Month­ly Credit$50 / Month
Tar­iffTwo options (see below table for details)
Bat­tery Requirements1.75kWh reserved to pro­vide grid sup­port services.
Com­mit­ment12 Months

Tar­iff Options (Bat­tery)

Jacana Ener­gy, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Alice Springs Future Grid project and part­ners, have devel­oped a spe­cial tar­iff offer for VPP tri­al cus­tomers with bat­ter­ies. The new 7 — 11 tar­iff is designed to sched­ule your bat­tery to soak up solar ener­gy dur­ing the mid­dle of the day and to pro­vide a finan­cial incen­tive to your household. 


Buy (time of use)

Sell (feed-in/­ex­port)

Option 1

Your exist­ing (Stan­dard) Tariff

All day (no variance)

26.653 c/​kWh

9.13 c/​kWh*

Option 2

7 – 11 VPP Tri­al Tariff

7am — 11am

PEAK 26.653 c/​kWh

HI FiT 17.6 c/​kWh

11am — 7pm

OFF-PEAK 15.4 c/​kWh

LO FiT 4.4 c/​kWh

7pm — 11pm

PEAK 26.653 c/​kWh

HI FiT 17.6 c/​kWh

11pm — 7am

OFF-PEAK 15.4 c/​kWh

LO FiT 4.4 c/​kWh

1. All rates are GST inclu­sive.
2. *As pub­lished on jacanaen​er​gy​.com​.au. Tar­iff rates may be sub­ject to change from time to time.

Sup­port­ed Inverters

*LG Chem, BYD, Red­back and oth­er brands can be enrolled in the tri­al. How­ev­er, it is impor­tant to check that your invert­er brand is com­pat­i­ble, this may be a dif­fer­ent brand to your battery.



Con­nec­tion type


Pri­mo (INT or AU), Symo and GEN24






Sun­ny Boy SB#.0, Sun­ny Tripow­er STP#.0 and Sun­ny Boy Stor­age SBS#.0



X1-Hybrid-#.0T and X3-Hybrid-#.0T



SH5000 and ST10000 (Hybrid Inverters)




Exclud­ed models


No accept­ed models

Not applic­a­ble


No accept­ed models

Not applic­a­ble


No accept­ed models

Not applic­a­ble


No accept­ed models

Not applic­a­ble


No accept­ed models

Not applic­a­ble

1. SB#000 and STP#000 series are exclud­ed
2. Sun­grow SG5K‑D invert­er is excluded

What are the tar­iff rates and solar/​battery behaviour?

Time Peri­od Solar PV Behaviour Bat­tery Behaviour Usage Tar­iff Feed in Tariff
5 AM to
11 AM
Solar pow­er is
export­ed to the grid to counter the morn­ing peak demand for electricity.
Bat­tery is per­mit­ted
to dis­charge to cov­er
the house­hold
$0.2665 $0.1760
11 AM
to 5 PM
Solar pow­er is used
to charge the
bat­tery. Once the
bat­tery is full, excess
ener­gy is export­ed
to the grid.
Bat­tery is charg­ing
until full and will
hold the charge until
the next period.
$0.1540 $0.0440
5 PM to
9 PM
Min­i­mal generation Bat­tery is
dis­charg­ing to cov­er
the house­hold
$0.2665 $0.1760
9 PM to
5 AM
Not Applic­a­ble Bat­tery con­tin­ues to
dis­charge to meet
the house­hold needs
Addi­tion­al export
can be pro­grammed
on a case by case
$0.2665 $0.0440